Last week the first swedish patients started using the HSmartBPM platform for management of hypertension. HSmartBPM improves effectiveness of the treatment of hypertensive, or undiagnosed high-risk patients by collecting much more data from different sources and by maximizing the benefits of collected data by sharing of data between related actors such as healthcare experts, patients, nurses and informal caregiver under control of patients, in compliance with GDPR requirements. The platform consists of a connected weightscale, a wearable smart watch with built in blood pressure monitor and patient apps for Android and iOS together with a backend and web apps for clinicians. The Swedish patients are all located in Region Jämtland-Härjedalen, Zätagränd Hälsocentral. CheckHealth has the technical responsibility for the rollout of the platform in Sweden.
All posts tagged eHealth
CNets has sponsored a bachelor thesis targeting the integration of the Keto-Mojo glucose meter into the LinkWatch eHealth platform. The thesis was handed in and evaluated at KTHs School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH).
As different medical products send data to their own platforms, it becomes challenging for both patient and care provider to take and keep track of all available vital parameters. This lack of a universal platform connecting to devices of different manufacturers, combining all available data has been the initial motivation to develop LinkWatch. It provides a platform where all the patient’s medical measurements can be collected and visualized. The mobile application, developed both for iOS and Android have been programmed in Kotlin and Swift to provide a secure and efficient data transfer between the blood glucose meter and LinkWatch’s web server. The mobile application can connect to the blood glucose meter with Bluetooth and transfer its measurements to the LinkWatch’s web server. When the records are stored in the LinkWatch system, the patient can see their glucose levels along with other vital parameters.
The bachelor thesis Integrering av glukosmätare med molntjänst för hemmonitorering was carried out by:
- Daniel Karoumi
- Oscar Luong
The work was submitted to the KTH, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH), Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems in 2021 in Swedish:

Spin-off CheckHealth for eHealth
Peter Rosengren 20th February 2019CNet Svenska AB has created another new Spinn-off company, CheckHealth, to commercialise the results from our innovation project PICASO.
CheckHealth is a Medtech company focused on developing and marketing products and services for remote care and patient data collection according to Peter Rosengren CEO of CNet.
Healthcare organisations require that care management of patients with chronic conditions need to be more personalised and cost-effective. CheckHealth meets these requirements with a secure remote monitoring platform for health data collection, including FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) care plans, wireless devices for vital signs monitoring, smart wearables for behaviour monitoring and intelligent digital assistants for self-assessments.

MyAirCoach presents asthma monitoring system
Peter Rosengren 5th December 2018The MyAirCoach project has developed a mobile health device and sensor-based approach connected to a patients mobile phone that measures asthma indicators and collects information to support patients and healthcare professionals. Through monitoring asthma indicators and collect a patients physiological, environmental and behavioral information, it helps patients and healthcare professionals to control the effectiveness of asthma treatment and to prevent severe asthma attacks.
CNet developed a mobile app within the project, that enables to use available indoor and outdoor measurements of asthma indicators to assess the air quality and the personal risk to experience an attack. The analysis of the personal risks can aid patients in their self-management and help to avoid severe asthma attacks.
“The purpose of the app is to make life a little easier for asthmatics in Stockholm,” says Peter Rosengren at CNet.
CNet presents distributed e-health architecture for care
Peter Rosengren 15th November 2018The PICASO and POLYCARE projects organised a workshop on e-health solutions for home hospitalisation and patient empowerment on the 14th of November 2018 in Sankt Augustin, Germany. The workshop addressed clinical workers, patient organisations, members of self-help groups as well as developers of e-health solutions. Focusing on technology solutions that improve the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of healthcare services the event included the following topics:
- Integrated care for patients with multi-morbidities
- Acceptance and implementation of remote monitoring solutions at the patient’s home
- Improvement of patient empowerment through ICT applications
- Distributed ICT systems in the e-health sector
- Development and deployment of security layers within cloud solutions that guarantee the privacy and safety of the patient data, while enabling the coordination of services between different clinical and care providers.
Peter Rosengren from CNet presented the distributed e-health architecture developed in PICASO, which addresses the specific needs of the care system as well as of the patients, providing a solution with several cloud components to handle all details of privacy and security. The Picaso solution separates software and clinical data. Clinical data always remains in care facilities and is encrypted and pseudonymised when transferred in the cloud.

Federated eHealth Cloud Architecture containing Public, Care and Patient Clouds
CNet finalist for the European Commission‘s Innovation Radar Prize 2018
Peter Rosengren 30th October 2018CNet has been selected as one of 50 finalists for the European Commission‘s Innovation Radar Prize 2018 with our PICASO innovation: Federated Cloud Architecture designed for ehealth: Care Management as a Service. The Innovation Radar Prize awards high quality innovative excellence, emerging from the Horizon 2020 programme. The award distinguishes five categories with 10 finalists in each. CNet has been selected for the “Tech for Society” category, recognising technologies impacting society and citizens. The price committee examined several thousands of EU-funded innovations from across Europe, making it quite an achievement to get selected as one of the 50 finalists.
CNet was recognised for their solution within the PICASO project, “Care Management as a Service”. This solution enables care organisations to use cloud technology, experience benefits of scalability and software resource sharing without violating regulations regarding clinical data. The innovation is based on a software-to-data cloud approach. All software for care management and decision support is hosted in one public cloud while all clinical data always resides inside the care organisations. All access and use of clinical data are done in a secure and authorised way, without violating GDPR. This creates an innovation in healthcare making it possible to use cloud technology while taking the specific requirements regarding clinical data into account.

CNet PICASO team awarded
From left: Matts Ahlsen, Daniel Eriksson, Peeter Kool, Tobias Brodén, Peter Rosengren, Stefan Paulsson.
MyAircoach in the news
Peter Rosengren 9th June 2018For people with asthma, their inhaler plays a central role in managing the condition. These simple drug delivery devices have been used for decades to deliver medication to the lungs. Regular treatment with inhaled controller medication helps to keep asthma under control and, for some patients, ‘rescue’ or relief medication can limit the impact of an exacerbation (or ‘asthma attack’). The myAirCoach consortium, where CNet is a member, has been working to extend the utility of inhalers by developing adaptors to make inhalers smarter to improve outcomes for patients. Companies, hospitals and universities – in collaboration with patients – have been working to improve inhalers so that we can get as much information as possible about how the patient uses their device and information about the state of the lungs and the immediate environment.
Read more at MedTech Week:
Linkwatch on permanent display at CareWare 2017
Peter Rosengren 25th April 2017Our partner InJET was exhibiting Linkwatch at the CareWare Conference in Aarhus, Denmark 4-5 April. CareWare focuses on new technologies targeted at the fields of healthcare and assisted living. The aim with the CareWare Conference is to enhance innovation and the development of technological solutions. The LinkWatch integrated solutions for Health monitoring combined with fall detection gained lots of interest from municipalities. We had 125 visitors from 16 municipalities. Each group had 15 minutes presentation. The confernece confirmed that falls are a very serious issue and that Linkwatch has the right combination of Smart Home technologies, involvement of relatives in the care as well as the functionality needed by the professionals.
After the Conference Linkwatch was selected as one of the solutions to be on permanent display in Aarhus for the coming 8 months.
CNet shows HyperLog bloodpressure app at Vitalis
Peter Rosengren 23rd April 2017We will be exhibiting our HyperLog app at the Vitalis eHealth fair 25-27:th of April in Gothenburg. Hyperlog is a newly developed app that coaches people to lower their blood pressure. It is the first app developed that is fully integrated with “Hälsa för mig”, the new Swedish National Health account. We will exhibit in the booth of Swedish eHealth Agency, and will make a presentation together with them. Come and visit us at Booth B04:22!
CNet at CeBIT
Peter Rosengren 22nd March 2017This week we are exhibiting at the CeBIT fair in Hannover. Come by and visit our booth E1 in Hall 8. We are showing solutions for self management and care of asthma together with our colleagues in the myAirCoach project. CNet is showing our award winning smart city solution AsthmaWatch for realtime air pollution guidance to asthma patients.