Peter Rosengren
17th June 2024
Many wind turbine towers are approaching the end of their design life, which is typically 20-30 years. However, by using the latest techniques and knowledge from structural health monitoring, it is possible to optimise the operation of the turbines and safely extend their lifetime, and thereby also the revenues. IoTBridge, SM Teknik and researchers from
Peter Rosengren
26th April 2024
We will be presenting the innovation programme InfraSweden, and how participation led to the commercialisation of IoTBridge. IoTBridge participated in the InfraSweden project iBRIDGE in 2020-2021 to develop and test new digital solutions that could reduce the escalating costs of bridge inspection, maintenance and repairs, with 35.000 Swedish bridges being older than 50 years. Through
Peter Rosengren
10th April 2024
To enable grid ancillary services, CheckWatt and Huawei have been working closely together to integrate the Huawei residential batteries with CheckWatt’s virtual power plant (VPP) Currently. Read the announcement from Huawei on LinkedIn Huawei has a large share of the household market for energy storage in Sweden, and this announcement means a huge increase in
Peter Rosengren
7th February 2024
The PRAESIIDIUM consortium, in which CheckHealth is a partner, is developing solutions aimed at providing real-time prediction of the risk of prediabetes in individuals. The project is now launching its clinical studies to collect more data for the prediction modelling. To predict the risk of prediabetes, the project uses physics-informed machine learning based on a
Peter Rosengren
28th November 2023
When the Finnish nuclear power plant Olkiluoto 3 had to make a sudden shutdown on 19 November, CheckWatt‘s virtual power plant Currently was one of the balance resources activated, instantly providing the grid with 22 MW as frequency support. Currently is a virtual power plant that aggregates and coordinates thousands of distributed batteries to act
Peter Rosengren
27th November 2023
The monitoring work performed by IoTBridge in relation to the railway bascule bridge in Vänersborg, Sweden has now been published in a scientific paper. The paper describes the safety assessment processes and the underlying ideas behind them, the challenges encountered, and the developed monitoring dashboard for visualisation of results. It also explains how the system
Peter Rosengren
23rd November 2023
IoTBridge is now sharing a dataset related to the damage to the bridge in Vänersborg that was recently detected by the structural health monitoring system. The bridge is a single-leaf bascule bridge carrying railway traffic over a canal. It has been monitored by the system since 2021, continuously collecting data from strain sensors, accelerometers, an
Peter Rosengren
20th November 2023
CNet is participating in the LoLiPoP-IoT project which is aiming to improve the battery lifetime and energy harvesting of wireless sensors that are retrofitted in IoT applications for monitoring purposes. Consisting of 40 European partners, the project is creating an ecosystem of developers, integrators and users to develop power platforms which consider power/battery life, ease
Vårt dotterbolag Checkwatt deltar i ett Europeiskt forskningsprojekt, EVIDENT, tillsammans med Trinity College i Dublin. Projektet arbetar med att förstå hur individer resonerar och fattar beslut i energirelaterade frågor. Denna studie syftar till att förstå hur faktorer som finansiell kunskap och kunnighet i miljöfrågor kan påverka energibeslut. Genom detta hoppas EVIDENT-projektet förstå hur man kan
Peter Rosengren
7th April 2023
Our project Response was shown on the French news recently. The project is turning an old disctrict in the city of Dijon into a energy postive district using new smart and suistainable technologies. CNet is responsible for air quality monitoring. Projet Response H2020 – Reportage France 3 – YouTube